It’s been on my mind a lot.

For the past few months, I have been wanting another child. As my regular readers know, I’ve talked about going back and forth between wanting one and settling with just one.

I saw a little bitty baby tonight at Wal-Mart and the sight of it’s teensie-weensie feetsie’s made me melt into a pile of mushy mommy right in the middle of the aisle. I told Mike I wanted one again and he smiled. He told Aidan tonight that he misses him being that small when they were revisiting the bouncy chairs.

Right now, we are struggling financially. Although, I wouldn’t have to pay more than $150ish to have doctor visits and to give birth, but what happens when we can’t afford diapers for it? Or food? Or if it has healthcare needs?

That doesn’t really matter when I want it so bad…I know things will work out. It would be nice if child support for my step-daughter was back to where it was or close to it.

Yesterday Aidan caught his first fish!! We were at my in-laws for Memorial day and we had a great time. Aidan enjoyed himself and was very well-behaved.

On the homefront, he has turned into a monkey. He wants to climb on everything! When I’m on my computer, he climbs up both rungs to get to me…without my help! This worries me, though, because this means new bumps and bruises and the possibility of even harder falls and pains.

This also means that we need to convert his crib from a crib into his toddler bed. *heavy sigh* On comes the worry in the middle of the night if he’s woken up and wandering around the house aimlessly, getting into who knows what and possibly getting hurt. I also worry that I won’t wake up when he does. We may just put up his gate in his doorway to at least keep him from walking through the house.

This all makes me nervous!