Sugar, baby!

While we were laying in bed playing this morning, Aidan pulled himself up from laying down and he was able to get in an upright, sitting position!!

Woohoo! He’s growing so fast.

Yesterday we were looking in the mirror and I told him to give himself sugar, then I kissed the mirror to show him how. He leaned over and put his nose against the mirror. (That’s how he gives sugars!) How sweet!!

After his daddy came home, he gave him sugars galore! This was the first time I was even able to show Mike how he gives sugar, let alone him actually give it to him.

He’s the sweetest boy ever!!

For the past few days he’ been chewing on his fingers again, to the left side of his mouth. Signs of teething again!! He already has 3!!! Poor baby. He hasn’t been sleeping through the night lately because of it, I’m sure.