Diaper change.

For the past couple of days I have decided to start using the cloth diapers I bought months ago on Aidan. It has been much easier than I thought it would be and I have gotten into the habit well. I’ve actually become somewhat of an expert at folding them for their best use.

I decided to do this when I noticed Aidan had a rash on his lower back from the diapers we were using. They are so big and go up high on his back and I guess his skin in that area just isn’t used to it. That, or he has really sensitive skin like I do.

Poor baby has been scratching at that area for a while now. At night I still keep him in the old diapers because we have to use them to get rid of them. I am also afraid of him waking up because of the cloth diapers not functioning so well. So far they have done well in not leaking. I’m coupling them with vinyl undies, too.

I just hope the vinyl doesn’t hold too much heat in and keep the heat rash irritated.

3 thoughts on “Diaper change.

  1. Thank you!! So far it works out great! I’m using them during the day when I’m here and put him in a regular diaper at night. Hubs uses regular diapers when he has him for 3 1/2 days.

    Rashes have decreased dramatically since doing this and since using A&D mostly after diaper changes.

  2. I switched my little one to cloth diapers in the same fashion. For a while I was using the disposables at night too until I found some really great cloth diapering options. There all so easy I have even got my husband into the swing of changing our little guy’s clothed bottom! Boudreaux’ Butt Paste is a great diaper ointment-only thing I got to clear up my little one’s bottom when he was in disposables. Check out my blog for all the details.

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